how I got the answer?
i first started to do:
then i kept on doing it until i got 92 as the answer
The fish and chips, which Mum had picked up on her way home from town, tasted delicious.
As soon as the bell rang Rawiri, who couldn't wait to read his new comic book, raced out the door. When he got home, he found to his surprise a police car parked ,in the driveway. Rawiri’s mother who had been, out shopping had arrived home to find the bathroom window smashed and ,many of their belongings missing. Their house had, been ,burgled. Rawiri couldn't believe his eyes, when he saw the ,state of his room. His comic books which, he’d left neatly stacked were ,scattered all over the floor. His piggy bank, in which he’d put most of his pocket money had been smashed and left lying in pieces ,on the floor. But the worst thing of all was that his rugby ball the one signed by Jonah Lomu was gone. ,Rawiri sat down ,and cried.